Sunday, June 24, 2007

Twin Weddings

I have a theory. Try this. Take the Sunday NY Times Style section, flip past the pompous "Night out with" section where they follow some smug, priviledged, ex-frat boy-turned-avant garde artist around town, and go to the "Weddings & Celebrations" section. Now, open it up so you can see as many happy couples at once. Feel free to skip over the special one entitled "Vows." That one usually details some couple that thought they'd never find love again until he (the groom) was out at the last "Producers" show of the season and caught the eye of a woman who was unassumingly beautiful and just happened to drop her pashmina in the aisle next to him. Focus instead on the multitude of Ivy league bred, Hummer driving, matching seersucker short wearing couples. Do you notice anything about them?
They look alike!
Now, this trend crosses generations and ethnicities. It crosses seas and oceans, it crosses across all boundary lines that we like to hold dear to in our society. If you squint, and squint good, they hold something the same. A smile, the shape of their face, their hairline. Something.
It's both quite comforting and disturbing. It's comforting that despite millions of years of smug existence on the planet, at the end we gravitate towards those like us, on a purely instinctual level. Makes me feel like not all of our genes and senses have been fucked over yet.
It's highly disturbing as well however, that those fuckers find each other and can spend the however many minutes they stay married looking into their doppelganger's face with conviction that they done good.


Blogger eggo said...

wow sahsie. well said. well said indeed.

10:16 AM  

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